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Release Date: July 20, 2017

Iron Mountain Stage Company auditions are being held tonight in the Ringwood Library at 30 Cannici Drive Ringwood, NJ from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM for the upcoming Iron Mountain Fall show "Men Are Dogs".

Show Dates: September 22, 23, 24, 26, 29 & October 1 - see the shows calendar for details (the opening show date on 9/22 (Rosh Hashanah) would be rescheduled to accommodate cast members if necessary.) 

Cast breakdown (for auditions) ... 

Cecelia - (40-55) - No nonsense psycholigist who deals with her clients relationship issues while ignoring her own.

Rose - (age comensurate to Cecelia) Cecelia's wisecracking 'live in' mom who overs her daughter unsolicited dating advice.

BOB - (40 -50) - the substitute postal delivery man who strikes up a relationship with Cecelia.

TONY - (30 -50) divorced, pompous, part time actor who is hired by Cecelia to assist with her 'role playing' in group.

Allison (25-35) Hairdresser and latest addition to Cecelia's group.

Madeline, Jane , Loretta - supporting group players. Any age. Great character roles!



Cecelia is a successful psychologist who, among many sessions, runs a support group for singe and divorced women. She's got troubles of her own, but it's her ensemble of neurotic patients who provide the action when a "volunteer" role-player becomes the hapless victim of their not-inconsiderable ire.

For additional information call: 201-650-3288
or email:

Iron Mountain Stage Company 
PO Box 83 Ringwood, NJ 07456-0083 

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