April/May Selection
Iron Mountain Play Reading Club
Friday, April 30th at 7 PM (Zoom)
Hat Tricks
by Dori Appel
Our Apri/May selection for Iron Mountain's play reading club is Hat Tricks by Dori Appel. Coincidently, this is the play that Iron Mountain will be PERFORMING LIVE (OUTDOORS) at The New Weis Center in July! (The latest recommended Covid health safety precautions will be in effect for both the cast and audience at the live performance outside show.)
The Play Reading Club reading will take place on Zoom, on Friday, April 30th at 7 PM.
Covering a range of woman's experiences in the 2nd half of life, 9 individual scenes and monologues range from the purely comedic to those that combine humor with thoughtful and sometimes poignant explorations. Every scene or monologue includes the presence and compelling use of a HAT! (3- 20 females)
And if you are interested in being in the cast of Hat Tricks, this is a great way to get a sneak peek at this great show. Auditions will take place at The New Weis Center on Saturday, May 1st at 11:00 AM, and Monday, May 3rd at 7:00 PM.
Come join us for an evening of good theater and good friends! If you want to take part in our Reading Club reading, just email our "master of ceremonies" Linda Gerdes at rlgerdes@gmail.com. She will assign you a role and send you a script.
We are looking forward to "seeing" you on April 30!